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Virtualization moves you forward

Virtualization provides you with the opportunity to take advantage of more advanced technology without having to install more equipment. Such as sharing memory, storage, networking, and improving technologies as your business grows. Most importantly, implementing a virtual infrastructure is an effortless and smooth process. It also improves application performance with rapid provisioning and dynamic load balancing. With simplified data recovery solutions, virtualization empowers you to quickly become fully functional after a disaster.


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Benefits of Virtualizing

[ms_list icon=”fa-circle” icon_color=”” icon_boxed=”no” background_color=”” boxed_shape=”square” item_border=”no” item_size=”15″ class=”” id=””]
[ms_list_item]Reduce hardware and operating costs[/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]Increase IT agility, efficiency, productivity and responsiveness[/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]Reduce or eliminate downtime[/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]Provision resources and applications faster[/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]Enable disaster recovery and business continuity[/ms_list_item]
[ms_list_item]Simple data center management[/ms_list_item][/ms_list][/ms_column]

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Get Your Free Consultation!

Our virtualization experts provide professional advice in order to help you identify the needs of your business.



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What are the advantages of a virtualized environment?

Virtualizing your in-house technology will allow you to access more of the latest technologies available to businesses. While working in the cloud usually means utilizing a public infrastructure, virtualization gives your business the opportunity to create and maintain your own private cloud. Typically 16 Virtual Machines run on each physical server, which saves on server costs as well as cooling and power requirements.


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[ms_piechart line_cap=”round” percent=”68″ filledcolor=”#fdd200″ size=”150″ font_size=”40″ unfilledcolor=”#f5f5f5″ class=”” ]68%[/ms_piechart][/ms_column] [ms_column style=”1/4″ align=”center” class=”” id=””][ms_piechart line_cap=”round” percent=”38″ filledcolor=”#fc0000″ size=”150″ font_size=”40″ unfilledcolor=”#f5f5f5″ class=”” ]38%[/ms_piechart][/ms_column] [ms_column style=”1/4″ align=”center” class=”” id=””][ms_piechart line_cap=”round” percent=”32″ filledcolor=”#81d742″ size=”150″ font_size=”40″ unfilledcolor=”#f5f5f5″ class=”” ]32%[/ms_piechart][/ms_column] [ms_column style=”1/4″ align=”center” class=”” id=””][ms_piechart line_cap=”round” percent=”26″ filledcolor=”#1e73be” size=”150″ font_size=”40″ unfilledcolor=”#f5f5f5″ class=”” ]26%[/ms_piechart][/ms_column]

[ms_row] [ms_column style=”1/4″ align=”center” class=”” id=””]gain in IT productivity[/ms_column] [ms_column style=”1/4″ align=”center” class=”” id=””]reduction in application downtime[/ms_column] [ms_column style=”1/4″ align=”center” class=”” id=””]increase in hardware savings[/ms_column] [ms_column style=”1/4″ align=”center” class=”” id=””]decrease in time spent troubleshooting[/ms_column]

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